A letter to a first time expat

The Difficulty of Moving to a New Country

Moving abroad can be difficult and it is not for everyone. The first few months are full of adjustment, with the initial move, finding your feet in your new home country and settling into work routines. There are many reasons why people might find this time challenging but there are some things you can do to make it easier on yourself.

  • Take a deep breath and relax. You’re not alone in this; there is always temporary housing for those who need it (hostels or hotels) when you can’t afford to stay at your preferred location.
  • You might not know what to expect when you move abroad, so it’s best to get out and explore the areas where other expatriates live. You’ll be more likely to find your dream home in an area with a lot of expats than if you try looking for one among locals who may take advantage or mistrust foreigners because they are new here too
  • One of the best ways to be accepted into a new culture is not trying too hard. You may feel like you’re being ignored or shut out, but if you are patient and find your tribe with other Internationals in that country then eventually it will happen for sure,
  • Take up local language classes as soon as possible so you don’t get too far behind when meeting new people.
  • How’s the food in the new country? There are dishes that you will like and some that may not suit your taste. Remember- never give up! There is bound to be something on their menu or at a store nearby for you so don’t worry about it too much, just keep trying things out until one suits you well enough.
  • Plan trips back home every year or two where you visit family, friends and take a break from routine
  • You know how every country does things a little differently? Well that’s all organized chaos until someone tells us what they want from us when moving there. Make life easier on yourself by trusting in an agency who knows best about settling into their new surroundings so you won’t have any trouble with those pesky details like finding housing or getting situated in school/work–they’re pros after all.

You’re not the only one who’s never lived abroad, and you’ll be surprised to know that being a first-time expat is challenging. It can also take time adjusting to cultural differences, like food or customs.

For these reasons it’s important for anyone starting on their adventure overseas to learn as much about how they are going to feel before they make up their minds so there won’t be any surprises along the way when reaching out into this uncharted territory which will eventually become home away from home.